How to: Breakfast Green Smoothie


Hello 2015! It’s the beginning of a brand new year and I know a common new year’s resolution is to be healthy. One of the easiest ways to do that is to have a green smoothie for breakfast and kick start your day with something both nutritious and delicious. This new recipe has been my everyday smoothie for the last few weeks. I promise it’s super yummy and packed with wholesome goodness. 

PS. I GOT A VITAMIX (YAY!). It’s hands down my favourite appliance and definitely lives up to the hype. If you’re into smoothies I would HIGHLY recommend getting one. I thought my old blender did the job just fine, but after using the Vitamix I could never go back. I’ve used this to make healthy “ice cream”, frozen yogurt, cashew milk, even muffin batter!

Okay, back to the smoothie. I call this the breakfast smoothie because it's filling enough to replace a McD's breakfast combo and something I look forward to in the mornings :) 

What you’ll need:
1 ¼ c. water
2 big handfuls of spinach
2 big handfuls of kale (remove the spine and rip into smaller pieces)
1 apple, chopped
1 orange, peeled (try leaving as much pith on as possible) and chopped
½ lemon (juice)
1 frozen banana
1 tbsp. organic chia seeds
1 heaping tbsp. natural almond or peanut butter
4-5 pitted dates (optional)
5 large ice cubes

What to do:
1.       Pour water into your blender. Pack in your greens!
2.       Add the rest of the ingredients in order listed.
3.       If you’re using a Vitamix, the container will be full once all the ingredients are in so you’ll need your tamper tool. Turn to Variable 10 and then to high for about 45 seconds or until smooth. As it’s blending, use your tamper tool to push the ingredients down to the blades.

Makes: 2 big servings or 3 small servings


  • Freeze your bananas by peeling them and wrapping in saran wrap. You can break them into chunks with your hands after they’re frozen for easier blending
  • Using natural nut butter is obviously much healthier than the good ol’ original Kraft PB. You can sweeten it up by adding dates. Also, adding nut butter to your smoothie will thicken it up and prevent separation. I find that it neutralizes the funky taste that green smoothies get when they sit for long periods of time
  • If you’re using a regular blender, I’d blend the greens with the water first, then add the rest of the ingredients
  • Pith is the white part between the orange peel and the flesh. It’s high in fiber and vitamin C which is why you should try to keep as much of it on as possible

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